Ceremony & Circles
Ceremony; ritual acknowledging the presence of the Sacred – Charles Eisenstein
We’re all yearning to bring the wonder back into our lives. Rituals of intention, acknowledging new chapters in life, and using the power of focussed prayer to create have all been long forgotten, however this ancient memory is now stirring and awakening within the collective field of possibility.
Church feels like old energy; it’s time to honour the power of our planet and align with this omnipotent source of energy and life force to manifest new energy and reality into our lives.
This aspect of my work has evolved organically as people come to me asking for ritual to mark chapters, release the old and create the new.
Over the last year I’ve been honoured to hold ceremony for wedding blessings, antenatal mother baby bonding in preparation for birth, baby blessings, death rituals to guide the soul to fly free/ pass over with ease and grace, and ritual to mark the beginning of a new chapter for a company.
I’ve also work with people privately with rituals to call in the right partner, cord cutting to release old relationships, empowerment rituals to support the participant to move into greater trust and right relationship with Self.
Feeling ready to create something new? Join with me now.